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Would you like your Sims page to be a part of the SFC? Or do you need help building your own Sims page?

Email Rougue or Val about the possibilities!






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SFC Home Pages:

˙   Rougue

˙   Valzgr8

1.      Val’s haunted Overlook Hotel

2.      Replacement PayPhones

3.      SFC Custom Yak-Yak Collection

4.      SFC Apartment Collection – NEW!

5.    SFC Custom Portals– NEW!

˙   SFC Splash Screens Plus!


Guest Pages

˙   Rosemary’s Garden

1.      Lots

2.      Skins

3.      Objects

4.      Sims2 – Coming Soon!

˙    Gandalf’s Grey Haven

1.      Objects EYou Are Here

2.    Lots

˙   Heaven Simmed

˙   Jukia’s Creations– NEW!


SFC Information:

˙   SFC Updates

˙   SFC Lots Explained

˙   SFC FAQs

˙   SFC Forums

˙   SFC Sims Links Collection

˙   SFC Download Installation/Uninstallation Guide– NEW!

SFC Tutorials

1.      Making Casuals into Buyables – by Val

2.      Making a Haunted Hotel on VacationIsland – by Val

3.      Creating a brand New Object – by Rougue

4.      Saving Your Sims – by Bruce/Gandalf

5.      Dealing With Buffers – by Rosemary

6.      Making Tuck-In Beds – by Rosemary

7.      Using Lot Manager – by Bruce/Gandalf

8.    Fit 2 Fat or Skinny Skins – by Val – Coming Someday!


SFC Yahoo!Groups QuickLaunch:

˙   SFC Group 1

˙   SFC Group 2

˙   SFC Gifts

˙   SFC Estates

˙   SFC Walls/Floors

˙   SFC Rugs

˙   SFC Archives

˙   Sims 2 Fanatics Community – NEW!


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Gandalf’s Grey Haven is happy to be a part of the Sims Fanatics Community!













Page Index

SFC Updates




v     SFC Updates

v     A Note from Gandalf




v     Curtains

v     Paintings – Hacked!

v     Patriotic BedSet

v     Fireplaces – Hacked!




v     VacationIsland

1.      Gandalf’s Bed and Breakfast




v     Saving Your Sims

v     The Sims Lot Manager Guide – NEW!










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Thank you to Rougue for the White Staff Cursor!




A note from our guest artist!




Welcome to my haven. I have been Simming now for over 7 years and creating for only 3 of them. I do mostly hacked paintings, except some things like my black curtains.  Most of my object creation is done for lots that I create because I don't like my room decoration to be stymied by not having certain matching items. The black curtains were done because I was creating a room for the Black Mamba set from Parsimonious and couldn't find black curtains, for example. Please direct questions about my objects or lots to the SFC's wonderful board located at


Thank you for visiting,










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Automatic curtains cloned from Inge Jones' base in black


Click the picture on the left to Download them individually




Click the picture on the right to get them both in a set!







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A painting of cliffs in the clouds hacke for perfect room score.




A painting of Guest artist Gandalf4217 hacked for perfect room score.


A painting of Yosemite national park hacked for perfect room score.




All of these paintings are hacked to provide a perfect 10 room score!





Click the pictures on the left to get the paintings individually!




Click the picture on the right to get them all as a set!








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All of these paintings are hacked to provide a perfect 10 room score!










Gandalf’s Bed and Breakfast Objects




Download these objects to complete Gandalf’s Bed and Breakfast, or use them in your own lots!









Click on the images to download the items pictured or click here to get all of the Bed and Breakfast items in one rar.



Click on the images to download the items pictured or click here to get all of the Bed and Breakfast items in one rar.



Click on the images to download the items pictured or click here to get all of the Bed and Breakfast items in one rar.





Click on the images to download the items pictured or click here to get all of the Bed and Breakfast items in one rar.








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Patriotic Set





Click the Image to enlarge it!








Click the Image to enlarge it!









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Click here to get the whole set!


















These Maxis Matching Fireplaces have been litely hacked to automatically light at 6:00pm and go out at 6:00am and will NOT start fires!





Click HERE download all 3 or click below to download your choice fireplace individually!



Click below to download Fireplaces Individually!


Bostonian Fireplace






Modesto Tile


Click above to download Fireplaces Individually!


These Maxis Matching Fireplaces have been litely hacked to automatically light at 6:00pm and go out at 6:00am and will NOT start fires!







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Web Page Hit Counter Point










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